
  • Deviated Septum

    Septal deviations can be congenital or acquired after trauma, surgical intervention, or other conditions. Deviation may cause obstruction of nasal breathing, increasing the likelihood of sinus infections and nasal drainage. Septal deviation may also contribute to curvature of the external nasal appearance.

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  • Dizziness

    Dizziness may be defined as the sensation of lightheadedness, loss of balance, or unsteadiness. This may be associated with disequilibrium or vertigo. Initial care of dizziness is geared toward discerning a cause for the dizziness. Causes are widely varied and include disease of the ear, brain, heart,

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  • Dysphagia

    Dysphagia refers to difficulty swallowing. Swallowing difficulty may arise from abnormalities in the mouth, throat, esophagus, or from neurologic or muscular disorders. Treatment initially is aimed at discerning a cause of the dysphagia and may require further testing via x-ray exams (barium swallow,

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  • Ear Pain

    Ear pain can arise from problems of the ear such as infections, or can be caused by referred pain - pathology from elsewhere in the head and neck that causes pain in the ear without actually having any abnormalities of the ear. Other sources include diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, benign ulcers,

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  • Epistaxis (Nose Bleeds)

    Epistaxis is bleeding from the nose. It most commonly occurs from the front of the septum, and may be aggravated by trauma or dry / cool environments. Bleeding may also occur from areas more posteriorly in the nose, and these sites usually result in more severe bleeding. Epistaxis may be treated with

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  • Facelift

    One of the top five most popular cosmetic surgery procedures performed each year in the US, facelifts can tighten the skin on your face, removing wrinkles and sculpting your overall look by repositioning facial fat, skin, and muscle. During a standard facelift, the skin and its underlying tissues and

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  • Fillers

    One of the most popular forms of treatment for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and create smoother, younger skin is injections. In an office-based procedure, the physician uses fine needles to insert a filler into the skin to add volume, replace collagen and/or stimulate natural collagen

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  • Hearing Loss

    Sensorineural hearing loss is defined as a loss of hearing caused by problems occurring in the inner ear and auditory (hearing) nerve. Causes may include aging, genetic-associated loss (hereditary), noise exposure or noise trauma, infections, congenital syndromes, inflammatory or auto-immune diseases,

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